Hi all this will be my only blog for this month. I have a busy couple of weeks ahead of me. Contests, readings and Ancestor workings, which is my topic of this blog.
Ancestor work has always been an interesting thing for me, personally I am not to sure about it. I know people pass away and can hang out with us, I get that you can get insight and wisdom from them. I think my problem is, I don't want their wisdom? I know weird to some people. It could be that I already know what they are willing to bring to the table and I do not want to eat it.. I could be thinking to hard on this, though..
That is why, this year I am going to give in and do a couple of ancestor related rituals and see what I might be missing, with my narrow minded thinking. You might feel the same as I do, so join me and maybe we can figure this ancestor thing together.
So first thing, I plan on doing this time of year, is set up a special place to honor my ancestors. That to me is my altar, with pictures and/or things that remind me of my heritage/ancestors. I was told I have Native American blood, so I will add things that will help remind me of those ancestors and then most recent family that have passed away, Grandparents, Great Grandparents. I am also going to add a dear friend of mine who passed away this year, actually on my birthday. We had our differences, but I really did care about her. Really, it is what feels right to you.
Then I would add other elements of this season. Samhain is the last of 3 harvests and would be the harvest of gourds, nuts and any other root veggie like carrots and beets. (What is left in my garden this year.) I use fake gourds and add some nuts into my offering bowl. Other things to add to your altar space could be, animal figurines like: Owls, skulls, crows, cats and bats.

I do want to add that protection is key this time of year, due to energy vampires and other things, that could cause harm. Keep black obsidian, smoky quartz, cloves, cinnamon and frankincense or any other items that will protect you from negative energies and keep them from draining you. You can make a mojo bag and keep it on your persons. Just be aware of what you are letting yourself get into. If you are not sure and you didn't research first, then DO NOT DO IT. 💋Kisses it is only cause I care.
My workings this Season
I was going to work with the Goddess, Hecate this season, but chose not to. No offence to the Goddess but, I realized, I wanted to understand my heritage more so, I am working on gaining knowledge of many different Culture's mythologies around the world, as I am a "mutt", an eclectic Witch and I follow many different paths and merge into my own. This in itself is a big deal and probably will last past Samhain, into the modern new year. I am listening to an audio book by Scott Lewis, Mythology Mega Collection. This book has 8 different cultures in one book (great buy if you ask me). It does miss Native American, so I downloaded, Native American Mythology by Matt Clayton. this book focuses on 10 different regions in North America. I can't wait to listen to the NorthEastern Forest myth. (Where my family lives)
So this is what I am going to be working on this season. What are your traditions like this time of year? Do you go out to cemeteries? Travel to Salem, MA? Apple picking? Leave a comment below. I would love to hear what exciting thing you do this time of year! If you plan on digging deeper into your heritage and need any help let me know! I have many books for all kinds of paths and if I don't have what you are looking for, I can get it. 😉
Happy Halloween and Samhain! Say hi to your Ancestors for me! 💋
Bright blessings, Sarah
As I was editing this song came on very fitting. "Samhain" by Lisa Thiel It is on spotify.