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First Milestone Under Our Belt! Yaas!

Writer's picture: Sarah PetrinSarah Petrin

Updated: Jul 29, 2023

Thank you sign in shape of triangles in blue yellow green and red around middle black

I want to thank everyone who has come out to support my unique small business this past year. We have made it through the first year, with trials of starting a new business alone, never mind during a plague (loosely stated). This is a great milestone to celebrate! This has always been a dream of mine, to own a business and open a store...

Grab a cup of tea or coffee and gather round for a tale of a maiden and her fairytale: JK , but really settle in for while...

I have had dreams of grandeur for 15 years before saying, okay let’s do it! There were many disappointments in the beginning. The lack of financial support, time and just finding the courage to put myself out there to the world. It took 5 years to get up the courage to sell my jewelry in person. It was a quant “flea market” type style setup. I was set up with tables and a small variety of wares..

My first sale! ( to someone I didn’t know). I will never forget that day. The lovely woman was with her caretaker and insisted she wanted the necklace and refused to think it over, even when the caretaker was like” maybe you should think about it first” (FYI, no one should ever second guess what they are drawn to. Just my opinion). She was elated with her unique necklace, that was made from pressed red onion skins (no smell) and pink and green beads. And so was I, in that moment I realized, that is what I wanted to do: to make people happy, elated even, with things I create, I am personally drawn to and go with my values.

Fast forward to last year. The fear of the plague was hitting me quite hard. I made the decision to step down from my manager position, to pt cashier at a gas station, to pursue my #1 dream, I thought I might not ever have the opportunity to have. (If the plague would have killed me or something, again fear) That is the sole reason why I opened when I did. There were other factors, like giving hope to others like me, bringing laughter and joy back to society and to help people find their form of peace. We can and will get through this as long as we do it together.

As I finish this little blip of my long road. I want to remind everyone that, there will always be a time of uncertainty, that is always certain. What matters is what you do to break out of the chaos and fear. How can YOU make your world a better place, that you would want to be in?

Thank you All, for being a part of this milestone with me! As we continue on to the many years to come, expect there to be ever changing events and programs. The future is bright and I see you all by my side!

Brightest of Blessings!

Sarah Petrin

Owner of Sarah’s Emporium

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